Tuesday, October 28, 2008

5 4 3 2 1* (#4]

1. Esmeralda loses her virginity to Ulvi.
2. Esmeralda wishes she did it with some one else.
3.She thinks of all the men she could have lost it to.
4. At one point, she regrets meeting Ulvi.
5. Her acting suffers because of what she did.

4 Questions*
1. Is Ulvi going to still want to be with Esmeralda?
2. Was Ulvi just using Esmeralda for.... her body?
3. Is Esmeralda going to tell her mother?
4. Why didn't Esmeralda do it with Jurgen?

3 Vocabulary*
1. suburban ;
pertaining to, inhabiting, or being in a suburb or the suburbs of a city or town
2. constructs;
To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms
3. concessions ;
The act of conceding.

2 Literary Terms*
1. Metaphor
2. Irony

1 Overview*
1. Esmeralda made a mistake by losing her virginity to Ulvi. She regretted it afterward and wished that she ahd done it with someone else. In my opinion, she should have stayed with Jurgen.

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