Thursday, November 20, 2008

five-4-three-2-won (#tew)

1. The book itself took a pause (or the author wanted to take a step back) and explained opium, the drug and what it is and stuff.
2. Opium come from a poppy flower that if delicious to the eyes and smell.
3. Opium is completely natural, there is no need to make it in a " labratroy ".
4. Opium lead the way to other, stronger and mroe dangerous drugs like Meth.
5. Opium is extremely addicting, but it gets more addicting as people improved it made made it into other drugs.

1. How does a drug give way to other drug?
2. What does opium do to your health?
3. I thought only " labratory " made drugs were illegal, but opium is natural?
4. If opium has done so much good (to the Romans) why is it illegal?

1. Corresponding ; identical in all essentials or respects.
2. Curate ; a member of the clergy employed to assist a rector or vicar.
3. Amended ; To change for the better; improve.

1. Opium has not destoryed the people that used like, like most drugs, instead it is natural and does not need anything else added to it, like the Romans took it, people is what made the drug illegal.

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