Sunday, December 21, 2008

5-fer-3-tew-1 (#TREE]

1. When Christopher Columbus went to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand to ask them to pay for his trip, they asked him to bring back many things, includinq opium.
2. Columbus didn`t make it to India, but what he did find did make the King and Queen happy, alonq with other. he found tobacco in the Caribbean.
3. Tobacco opened the doors to a new way to take opium, by smokinq it.
4. Smokinq the druq made it more powerrful, and made people more easily addicted to it.
5. Because of Columbus` new discovery, amonq other reasons, the King and Queen paid for him to qo back, and look for more thinqs, also for Columbus can spread Christianity.

1. If Queen Isabella was so reliqious, why did she allow opium, a druq, in her country?
2. If opium was neverr discovered, how would have the Old World progressed ?
3. Since the book did not mention it, did Columbus take opium?
4. If opium mattered so much to the Kinq and Queen, why did Columbus focus on findinq qold form the Tienos?

1. moderate ; kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.
2. excessiveness ; immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits.
3. subtle ; So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe; elusive.

1. One of the main reasons that Queen Isabella and Kinq Ferdinand qave Columbus permission to qo explorinq was to look for opium to use for Spian, but also to sell.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

five-4-three-2-won (#tew)

1. The book itself took a pause (or the author wanted to take a step back) and explained opium, the drug and what it is and stuff.
2. Opium come from a poppy flower that if delicious to the eyes and smell.
3. Opium is completely natural, there is no need to make it in a " labratroy ".
4. Opium lead the way to other, stronger and mroe dangerous drugs like Meth.
5. Opium is extremely addicting, but it gets more addicting as people improved it made made it into other drugs.

1. How does a drug give way to other drug?
2. What does opium do to your health?
3. I thought only " labratory " made drugs were illegal, but opium is natural?
4. If opium has done so much good (to the Romans) why is it illegal?

1. Corresponding ; identical in all essentials or respects.
2. Curate ; a member of the clergy employed to assist a rector or vicar.
3. Amended ; To change for the better; improve.

1. Opium has not destoryed the people that used like, like most drugs, instead it is natural and does not need anything else added to it, like the Romans took it, people is what made the drug illegal.

5-fer-3-tew-1 (#won)

1. Opium was widely used all around the world at a time in history.
2. Alexander the Great used opium to make his army fight harder (because they could not feel their pain) while he expanded his empire.
3. In the Roman Empire there were actual public houses where people went and eat opium.
4. Opium comes from poppy flowers.
5. The only way to take opium back then was to eat it.

1. Why did they think opium was " a miracle plant "?
2. How did opium go from being worshiped to being illegal and hated?
3. How did they eat the opium? Did they eat it with something else like a food?
4. How did opium get outlawed?


1. Addictive Drug ; A substance that cuases physiological dependence.
2. Illict Drug Use ; The use or sale of any substance that is illegal.
3. Addiction ; Aphysiological or psychological dependence on a drug.

1. The Romans used opium to make thier army invincable, and that was the first RECORDED major use of opium.




Thursday, November 6, 2008

Amost A Woman

I forgot to say the name of my book in the beginning of my blog entries. I am reading Almost a Woman. It is by Esmeralda Santiago. It is a biography about her life while she first came to New York when she was 13. It retells her events when she first came to America, and how she learned to speak english and howshe became Americanized.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (#5]

1. When Esmeralda meets Jaime, she likes him.
2. When Jaime learns that he promotes Puetro Rican culture in New Yrok, she acts more distrant towards him.
3. Esmeralda doesn't want to be involved with his political actions until she figures "helps herself".
4. Esmeralda thinks about he becoming more Americanized.
5. Jaime doesn't understand why Esmeralda doesn't want to hepl his polictal cuase.
4 Questions*
1. Why doesn Esmeralda feel seperated from all other Puetro Ricans?
2. Does Esmeralda feel like no one else has experinced what she has?
3. Will Jaime still try to convine her to jion his cuase?
4. Has Esmeralda ruined hers and Jaime freindship by not accepting his offer?
3 Vocabulary*
1. dominating ;
to rule over; govern; control.
2. exasperating ;
to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely
3. concessions ;
Something, such as a point previously claimed in argument, that is later conceded.
2 Literary Terms*
1. Irony ;
I could be of no help to 'my' people until I helped myself" [p. 288]
2. Metaphor ;
"...and I dreaded the price" [p. 86].
1 Overview*
Esmeralda meets Jaime, and he tells her about his polictical action but Emeralda told him that she didn't want to take part in it because she still doesn't know abotu her own self.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

5 4 3 2 1* (#4]

1. Esmeralda loses her virginity to Ulvi.
2. Esmeralda wishes she did it with some one else.
3.She thinks of all the men she could have lost it to.
4. At one point, she regrets meeting Ulvi.
5. Her acting suffers because of what she did.

4 Questions*
1. Is Ulvi going to still want to be with Esmeralda?
2. Was Ulvi just using Esmeralda for.... her body?
3. Is Esmeralda going to tell her mother?
4. Why didn't Esmeralda do it with Jurgen?

3 Vocabulary*
1. suburban ;
pertaining to, inhabiting, or being in a suburb or the suburbs of a city or town
2. constructs;
To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms
3. concessions ;
The act of conceding.

2 Literary Terms*
1. Metaphor
2. Irony

1 Overview*
1. Esmeralda made a mistake by losing her virginity to Ulvi. She regretted it afterward and wished that she ahd done it with someone else. In my opinion, she should have stayed with Jurgen.

5 4 3 2 1* (#3]

1. Esmeralda has trouble searching deep with in herself, as an actor.
2. At home, Esmeralda is quiet and respectful, but at school she is more lively.

3. Esmeralda still looks up to her mother even though she is not the best influence.
4. Esmeralda hopes one day to be reunited with her father.
5. Esmeralda flashes back a lot to memories of her father and in Puerto Rico.

4 Questions*
1. Will Esmeralda get kicked out of her acting school?
2. Will Esmeralda let go of the past?
3. Does Esmeralda fall in love with Ulvi?
4. How will Esmeralda's play (Babu) come out? Will her hard work pay off?

3 Vocabulary*
1. peroration ;
a long speech characterized by lofty and often pompous language."
retrospective ;
directed to the past; contemplative of past situations, events, etc.
dreaded ;
To be in terror of."

2 Literary Terms*
1. Irony ;
"...'the Pill' was nothing more than a license for young women to have sex without getting married. The fact that my mother, grandmother, and almost every other female relative of ours had sex without marriage was not mentioned" [pp. 156-157]
2. Metaphor ;
"...another United States--the trim, horizontal suburbs of white Americans"

1 Over View*
Esmeralda falls in 'love' with Jurgen. but it isn't really love. she feels like she needs him but in reality she needs a replacement for her own father, whom she hasn't seen in many years.

Monday, October 27, 2008

5 4 3 2 1 (#2]

1. The mother goes to the Welfare office to get help for her kids.
2. Esmeraldas mother expects Esmeralda to stay a virgin until she marries.
3. Esmeralda goes through many relationships and falls in love many times.
4. Even though her mother had 11 chiildren with three different men, she is very strict when it comes to dating and her duaghters.
5. The older women of Esmeraldas family believe that 'the pill' is just an exuse for unmarried women to have sex.

4 Questions*
1.Is Esmeraldas mother so strict with dating because she doesnt want her daughters to make the same mistakes she did.
2. Was Esmeraldas mother ever in true love with any of the men she had children with.
3. Is Esmeraldas family deeply religious.
4. Why is it so hard for Esmeralda to search deeply in her self like her acting instructor told her to.

3 Vocabulary*
1. resist ;
to withstand, strive against, or oppose
2.regulations ;
A principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern conduct.
3.venture ;
an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, esp. a risky or dangerous one

2 Literary Terms*
1. Metahor
2. Stage Direction

1 Overview
1. Esmeralda is getting into dating, and she is having trouble with acting.

5 4 3 2 1*

1. Esmeralda lives kind of poorly in Puerto Ricoo.
2. She had 8 brothers and sister when she lived in puerto Rican
3. Had a very close relationship with her father.
4. Although they were together her mother and her father were not married.
5. Esmerald gets to America at the age of 13.

4 Questions*
1. Why is Elsmeralda so close to her father.
2. Why didnt her mother ever marry her father if they had 8 kis together.
3. Did Esmeraldas mother truely love her father.
4. Are they goinq to be able to save her brothers foot.

3 Vocabulary*
1.Americanized ;
to make or become American in character; assimilate to the customs and institutions of the U.S.
2.passive ;
not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling.
3.Impulsive ;
actuated or swayed by emotional or involuntary impulses

2 Literary Terms*
1. Metaphor-
2. Onimonipedia-

1 Overview*
1. Esmeralda lives very poorly in Puerto Rico but there is always plenty of love.