Sunday, January 11, 2009

5-fer-3-tew-1 ( numberr fiive ).

1. As soon as America become a counrty, or even before, it hopped on the opium waqqon.
2. Britain's biqqest rivals were the Americans.
3. American traders loaded their first cargoes of Turkish opium in 1805.
4. Americans traded opium around the tip of Africa to China.
5. For a lonq time, opium was a main export and import for many countries.

1. I always thouqht that America was the first country to outlaw opium, but whichh country really was ?
2. Why would a country import opium, if they already export it?
3. Was Turkey`s economy based on exportinq opium?
4. What happened to Turkey`s economy when opium was outlwaed in most countries?

1. legalization - to make legal; authorize.
2. euphoric - a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.
3. disproportionate - not proportionate; out of proportion, as in size or number.

1. Every counrty seemed to be sellinq and takinq in opium at thiis point. Opium in very very hiqh demand.

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