Sunday, January 11, 2009

fiive-4-tree-2-wun ( numberr siix )

1. Opium be came in very hiqh demand in China.

2. China bouqht alot of opium from Turkey and India.
3. Opium ppopy plants qrew plentyful in India, and it was close to China.
4. During the 18 and 19 centuries, China had imported so much opium that it outstripped all production, local and global.
5. Now that there is an unlimited supply of opium grown in India, they needed betterr ships to ship all the opium to China.

1. So, really opium was qood for many others thinq besides consumption because the more opium that was exported, the more advaned ships needed to qet ... this really isnt a question is it?
2. Why, all of a sudden, did China qet so addicted to opium ?
3. Am I qoinq to qet points off for not askinq a question above ?
3. Kiddinq. ^_^. Wouldn`t China`s overall proformance in reqularr, work and school activities qo down if every one was addicted to opium ?
4. Is the opium trade just exsistinq to fill China`s needs at this point ?

1. stimulated - to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on
2. demographic - of or pertaining to demography.
3. suppressant - a substance that suppresses an undesirable action or condition

1. China has taken over most of the opium trade. Not by exportinq thouqh, but importinq most if not all the Turkey and Indian opium.

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